• A. Shamakina
  • Gleb I. Radchenko
  • Elena Khudyakova
  • Evgeny Zakharov
  • Dmitry Savchenko
  • Kamila Koledina
  • Dmitry Maryin
  • Igor Kulikov
  • Igor G. Chernykh
  • M. Bakhterev
  • Pavel A. Vasev
  • Alexey Mishchenko
  • Andrey Poluyanov
  • Andrey Sozykin
  • Yury Kirienko
  • Vladislav Shchapov
In this paper we discuss a number of results that were gained with the application of the UNICORE platform in a DiVTB system for creating virtual test beds. The DiVTB system provides a problem-oriented user interface to distributed computing resources within the grid, online launch of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation, automated search, monitoring and allocation of computing resources for carrying out the virtual experiments. The studies were presented within the framework of the "Mobility of Young Scientists" project of The Federal Target Programme entitled as "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the Innovative Russia for the Years 2009-2013" in 2012.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Название основной публикацииUNICORE Summit 2013, Proceedings
Подзаголовок основной публикацииbook
ИздательForschungszentrum Julich GmbH
Страницы71 - 82
Число страниц12
ISBN (печатное издание)978-389336910-2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2013

ID: 52289001