

Digitalization of modern society has caused extreme reforms in the information sphere. The education system has not been spared. The problem of lifelong learning and constant moral development of the specialists, ready to critical and creative solving of professional tasks, is getting more topical. For contemporary specialists the presence of digital intercultural competencies is an essential part of their professiograms. Due to requirements for the pedagogical concept and the principles of solving scientific problems it's necessary to analyze historical and pedagogical background in the field of digital intercultural competence. Historical and pedagogical analysis is determined by etymological complexity and multidimensional nature of the research problem, the absence of clear historical boundaries of the phenomenon, digitalization of social and business processes, expansion of intercultural contacts between different nations. Every period of historical development was analyzed from the political and socio-economical viewpoints. The whole investigation was carried out since the advent of information theory till the emergence of theory of intercultural communication. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the researched problem was carried out from beginning of XX century to the present day, because this period is associated with a significant change in social and scientific spheres, that demonstrate the dynamics of the phenomenon of digital intercultural competence objectively. Crucial impact on the rash development of the pedagogical phenomenon of the digital intercultural competence has played socio-economical digitalization of the contemporary world, which determined the increased interest of the government and employers in the necessity of developing digital competencies and increasing of the Russian science' competitiveness in the world. The investigation was carried out between first -year students of the training direction 45.03.02 Linguistics (bachelor's degree). The linguistic direction of training was chosen consciously because of the direct connection of intercultural interaction with a foreign language and linguistic training.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)245-253
Число страниц9
ЖурналEuropean Journal of Contemporary Education
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2024

    Предметные области WoS

  • Образование и исследования в области образования

    Уровень публикации

  • Перечень ВАК

ID: 55702293