

  • Igor S. Kalashnikov
  • O. Acselrad
  • T. N. Kalichak
  • M. Khadyyev
  • Luiz Carlos Pereira
Alloys of the FeMnAlC system have been used for cryogenic purposes and for applications up to 673 K. At low temperatures, they have in general a better performance than austenitic Cr-Ni steels as far as fatigue is concerned, but are inferior to martensitic Cr steels. However, since the fatigue strength of FeMnAlC alloys in the temperature range of 523 to 823 K is higher than at room temperature, the present work has been conducted to describe the behavior of such alloys under the action of cyclic loading, including elasto-plastic deformation and cyclic temperatures. It has been concluded that components can be successfully subjected to cyclic loads in the elasto-plastic regime and to periodic changes in temperature under normal service conditions.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)334-337
Число страниц4
ЖурналJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - июн. 2000

    Предметные области WoS

  • Материаловедение, Междисциплинарные труды

    Предметные области ASJC Scopus

  • Материаловедение в целом

ID: 42935271