This paper presents the experience of designing a turbine-type flow generator (also known as “turbine”, “blower”, “ventilator”, “centrifugal compressor” and so on) for medical ventilators. We transform the overall requirements to a ventilator to the geometrical and mechanical parameters of a ventilator in the form turbine engineering is accustomed to. These requirements encompass to only the head and flow characteristics, but also the acceleration time (time it takes to settle at a required operating regime), as well as sound pressure level. We pay special attention to the justification of the selection of the gas dynamic parameters of the turbine flow generator and consider the specifics of working with the ventilator characteristics and how the motor torque influences them. Also, we consider the concept of monitoring the motor remaining useful life (RUL) based on a vibration sensor and a resistance thermometer allowing to introduce threshold values in the ventilator control algorithm. All this would allow a reader to have a better understanding of the solutions and products on the market and have a more based consideration of specifics of a chosen machine for creating the design requirements for a medical ventilator.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Номер статьи050003
ЖурналAIP Conference Proceedings
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2023

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ID: 49311194