
his monograph focuses on the analysis of the illustrated manuscripts of the Apocalypse Commentary from the library archives of the Ural region. It includes a detailed catalog of scientific descriptions of nine manuscripts, an analytical paper and a CD-ROM with full-text copies of the literary text included. The analytical paper examines the development and formation history of sets of illustrations to the Apocalypse Commentary in Russia. One of the most important aspects examined by authors was the process of the influence of Western cultural samples on Russian pictorial tradition, which was a part of the elite culture of the late Russian Middle Ages and Modern Time. Elements of the Western European influence were detected in the course of detailed analysis of the artistic features of each manuscript, which amounted the source base of the research. For specialists – historians and experts in art history, as well as the wide range of people interested in aspects related to Russian history and culture
Переведенное названиеUral Illustrated Apocalypses: Orthodox tradition and elements of European cultural influence
Язык оригиналаРусский
Место публикацииЕкатеринбург
ИздательИздательство Уральского университета
Число страниц232
ISBN (печатное издание)978-5-7996-1351-8
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014


  • 03.41.00 Археология

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