The analysis of guidance literature has proved the necessity of starting teaching cycling technique from creation of the preliminary basis of action, allocation of basic control points. However the developed preliminary basis of action with indicated basic control points for basic cycling technical elements has not been revealed. Thus the purpose was to allocate the control points of the basic technical elements in highway cycling. The key task of technical training of qualified cyclists is demonstration of effective technique during the whole competitive distance. Effectiveness, variety, stability and reliability of the technique, typical high sports-technical mastership, determined by the level of mastering the whole range of technical elements as well as selection of means and methods used in the training process. The quality of educational-training process is to improve by means of correctly selected methods but not due to uncontrolled increase of the volume of training load. The level of modern sport results is so high that human perfection of motor function naturally does not give the results required for victory in large competitions. Thus mastering of sports movements can be considered as artificially organized motor and cognitive activities directed to intensification of special motor training. Allocation of the key control points of the main elements of highway cycling has become the first stage to solution of the problem of technical training of junior cyclists. It promoted avoiding of distorted technique in the very beginning of education and transfer to mastering more complicated elements and perfection of simple ones in no time.
Переведенное названиеTeaching cycling technique on initial training stage
Язык оригиналаРусский
Страницы (с-по)20-22
Число страниц3
ЖурналТеория и практика физической культуры
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2012



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