
The textbook focuses on the nuclear nonproliferation regime that began to take shape after the World War II. The textbook has three parts. The first part reviews the history of nuclear weapons and nonproliferation regime, the second part describes the current state of affairs in the nonproliferation regime, regime, its problems and solutions, the third part reviews international cooperation on nuclear disarmament and creation of nuclear weapon free zones. Two chapters address technical aspects of nuclear technologies for peaceful or military use and an international system of control over nuclear energy.
Technical information would help students understand the logic of international cooperation within the nuclear nonproliferation regime, its problems and the difficulties it faces.
The textbook is intended for teaching courses on nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear security and international cooperation in this area. It is the result of an international project and its authors have substantial experience of teaching nonproliferation at Russian universities.
The textbook would be useful for lecturers and students studying international relations, world politics, history and for all those who are interested in contemporary nuclear disarmament issues and international cooperation.
Переведенное названиеNuclear Nonproliferation: textbook
Язык оригиналаРусский
Место публикацииТомск
ИздательИздательство Томского университета
Число страниц464
ISBN (печатное издание)978-5-7511-2496-0
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017


  • 11.25.00 Теория международных отношений. Внешняя политика и дипломатия

ID: 6153997