
The collective monograph presents the results of a sociological study devoted to «silver» education in modern Russia. The authors see an urgent need for the development of new types and forms of education for the elderly and representatives of the pre-retirement age. The book uses the example of one of the regions of Russia – the Sverdlovsk Region – to reveal the educational interests and needs of Russians of the «third age», their successful educational strategies. The complex, contradictory conditions in which individual and collective practices of «silver» education are formed are shown. The institutional conditions of its development in Russia and the region are studied, reflecting the orientation of state policy towards the older generation. Attention is paid to the relationship between «silver» education and the labor market, the problems of ageism in the social and labor sphere. Education for the «third age» people is studied in a broad socio-cultural context as the core of the model of «successful» aging, the promotion of which in the mass consciousness becomes the key to preserving the human capital of elderly Russians and solving many related problems of Russian society. The book is intended for sociologists, psychologists, teachers, economists – researchers and practitioners, scientific and pedagogical specialists, managers, anyone interested in modern problems of social policy, education, demography.
Translated title of the contributionEducation as a resource for the preservation and development of the «third age» people: monograph
Original languageRussian
Place of PublicationЕкатеринбург
PublisherГуманитарный университет (Екатеринбург)
Number of pages226
ISBN (Print)978-5-7741-0413-0
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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ID: 29122905