The myth as an object of reflection arises in the focus of research only in the period of the New Age, when a more fundamental social being of man begins to be problematic. The study of myth was originally inspired by sociality, its change and development in modern times and at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The desire to understand the boundaries of natural and social forces scientists to study all the diversity of contexts in which people are involved. The study of myth during this period concentrates on the description of specific social relations, the competent interpretation of which would allow to demythologize the reality of a person and reveal its constituent principles. The next stage in the study of myth is the era of romanticism. Here we find an interdisciplinary approach that creates a picture of vertical communication of bourgeois society. With the strengthening of social ties and discourse of the Authority, the historicity of a person is no longer subject to doubt, so a comparative approach arises, which is aimed at identifying something similar in mythology and society, and not only primitive. It is logical that this method is gradually transitioning into a functional approach, which allows exploring practices that produce society more deeply.
Translated title of the contributionThe researches of myth as a social self-reflection
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)180-188
JournalКонтекст и рефлексия: философия о мире и человеке
Issue number6A
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • 02.00.00 PHILOSOPHY

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List

ID: 9206314