The technology for copper utilization from circuit boards etching is proposed. The technology is based on combination of electrochemical and sorption methods. The conditions of copper electroextraction from ammonia-chloride solutions with obtaining of cathode copper are defined. The stage of electrolysis is destined for copper recuperation from etching process. Due to the electrochemical processes are unacceptable for cathode precipitation of the copper from diluted solutions such as rinse waters, the concentration on the strong-based cationites are used. After filtration throw the sorption columns solution is directed to the stage of circuit boards washing. It allows organizing close loop water recirculation. After saturation, resin is regenerated by chloride ammonium solutions. Obtained eluate directed to the etching stage. Generally, the technology provides copper recuperation and minimize wastes amount.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEPD CONGRESS 2001
Subtitle of host publicationbook
EditorsP. Taylor
PublisherMinerals, Metals and Materials Society
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)0-87339-488-7
Publication statusPublished - 2001

    WoS ResearchAreas Categories

  • Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering

ID: 42986861