The gaming context of human life and activity is synchronous with human nature. Gamification is actively used in many areas of human life: social, business, educational, industrial, etc., allowing solving problems related to their improvement. The article is devoted to the consideration of game practices in the implementation of production activities in the industry, in particular, in the management of production maintenance. A production maintenance management model was designed based on simulation-game modeling of production processes, which allows strengthening visual control and, as expected, reducing the number of equipment downtime due to the fault of the personnel. The novelty is as follows: development of the simulation and gaming model for production maintenance control to include elements of the digital solutions for information support and production support: 3D modeling of production facilities, production online monitoring, training content and reference documents visualization to cover the basic functional areas of the production activities contributing to the uniform and proper implementation of functions and features, time and cost reduction for process maintenance and repair as well as recording and preserving the best production practice. Correct gamification in the form of simulation-game modelling can become a replacement for the usual tools that are commonly used in the management process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Subtitle of host publicationbook
ChapterChapter 19
Number of pages15
Volume830 LNNS
ISBN (Print)978-303148019-5
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2023

Publication series

NameThe World of Games: Technologies for Experimenting, Thinking, Learning
ISSN (Print)2367-3370
ISSN (Electronic)2367-3389

ID: 49831016