The history of the Unified State Examination (USE) has more than 20 years and the attitude of the general public, including teachers, students and their parents, is still not unambiguous. Without understanding the reasons why, the USE, in the minds of teachers, is not an objective indicator of the level and quality of students' knowledge, one cannot rely not only on the solidarity of the educational community, but also to reform and improve the educational process in a secondary general school. A socio-psychological survey using the Google Forms method was conducted on a sample of teachers from three municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region, the number of respondents was 412 teachers in Novouralsk, 887 teachers in Nizhny Tagil, and 506 teachers in Kamensk Uralsky. The sample included teachers of different levels of education and different types of educational institutions teaching different subjects. The questionnaire contained questions for drawing up a portrait of a teacher, identifying difficulties in professional activities, questions related to reforming the educational and educational process in a secondary general school. A separate block in the questionnaire included psychological methods: different in different cities. In Novouralsk, these were: the Big Five TIPI-RU questionnaire and the Meaningful Life Orientations test adapted by D. A. Leontiev. In Nizhny Tagil - Maddy's resilience test (abbreviated) and the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire. In Kamensk Uralsky - a scale of life satisfaction by E. Diener, a scale of positive and negative affect, and a scale of psychological well-being by K. Riff adapted by L. V. Zhukovskaya, E. G. Troshikhina. Among teachers surveyed in three cities of the Sverdlovsk region, a high percentage of those who have a negative attitude towards the Unified State Examination (USE) remains. More than half of the teachers surveyed consider the results of the USE not objective, slightly less than half of the respondents see more disadvantages in it than advantages, and 13% are in favor of its abolition. Only 7-11% in different cities fully support the USE, and just over 30% see it as an advantage. A comparison of groups of teachers with different attitudes to the USE according to seven psychological methods revealed statistically significant differences between them. Teachers who are positive about the Unified State Examination have more definite life goals, carry out their professional activities thoughtfully, and lead their personal lives just as meaningfully. At the same time, the “supporters” of the USE, to a greater extent than the “opponents” of the USE, are able to control their lives in all its manifestations. Teachers with a positive attitude towards the USE have a greater sense of professional competence, are able to carry out various types of professional activities, strive for self-development and professional growth, are ready for warm, trusting relationships with other people, caring for the well-being of others, perceive themselves more positively and adequately. Teachers with a positive attitude towards the USE have a more pronounced psychological well-being than teachers with a negative attitude towards the USE. "Supporters" of the Unified State Examination, in contrast to the "opponents", demonstrate a more pronounced vital interest, motivation, purposefulness and are more often in a good mood. Teachers who have a positive attitude towards the Unified State Examination find more worthwhile and interesting things for themselves in their professional activities and life in general, and experience greater pleasure from their own activities. "Supporters" of the USE are more than its "opponents" satisfied with themselves and their own and professional activities. The listed psychological qualities are expressed in both groups of teachers who have different attitudes towards the USE, but in the group with a positive attitude towards the exam, their positive orientation prevails.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)112-125
Number of pages14
JournalУченые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И. Вернадского. Социология. Педагогика. Психология
Issue number9 (75)
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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