The article presents the results of theoretical and practical research of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of lexical skills among students of non-language specialty on the basis of the principles of neurolinguistic programming. Neurolinguistic programming is based on the theoretical foundations of neurolinguistics, neuropsychology, general psychology, cognitive science and is aimed at developing models of perception, acquisition and preservation of information with the involvement of mental processes of thinking, memory, attention. Orientation to the personality-oriented, communicative-activity, differentiated, competence-based approaches in education determines the relevance of theoretical research and practical significance of the application of neurolinguistic programming principles aimed at creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming difficulties in the formation of lexical skills. Theoretical and methodological basis is formed by research in the field of psycholinguistics, pedagogy, psychology, neurolinguistics, neurolinguistic programming, theoretical analysis of educational, scientific and methodological literature. The basic principles of perception, acquisition and preservation of information are highlighted, psychological characterization of personality types according to the leading representational system (auditory, visual and kinesthetic) is given. The authors of the article realize the attempt to overcome difficulties at of teaching foreign language lexical skills with higher school students through the choice of methods, techniques and means aimed at creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions of learning in accordance with the stages of speech skills development. Emphasis is placed on the use of combined methods that implement the principles of information representation on the basis of neurolinguistic programming: visualization, association, gamification, keyword technique, audiolingual and audiovisual methods. The processes of anchoring and rapport building are highlighted as the main elements of neurolinguistic programming, providing the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for teaching lexical skills. As a result of the study, comparative analysis and synthesis of psychological, scientific and methodological literature data the algorithm and microstrategies of lexical skills formation among students of non-language university on the basis of the principles of neurolinguistic programming were developed. For each stage of lexical skills formation, characteristic methods, techniques and means of training are highlighted, specific microstrategies are given to visualize the possibilities of practical implementation in accordance with the theoretical justification. The conducted research opens up prospects for more in-depth study in the development of oral-speech skills in the sphere of teaching a foreign language to higher school students.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)239-252
Number of pages14
JournalПедагогическое образование в России
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • 14.35.07

    Level of Research Output

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ID: 58476014