The comparative analysis executed on separate technical characteristics, shows, that modern domestic plasmatrons for metal cutting concede to production of leading foreign manufacturers on parameters of productivity, energy efficiency, qualities and even safety of process. With the purpose of the mentioned backlog overcoming the researches on ordering of existing designing principles for metal cutting plasmatrons have been carried out. By the results of this researches methods of designing improving operational parameters of plasma cutting equipment have been formulated. Also new plasmatrons (PMVR-2М, PMVR-3, PMVR-5) with more effective parameters of productivity, quality and safety were developed. Occurrence of the new equipment demands an experimental substantiation of its work efficiency in comparison, both with earlier made analogues, and with modern domestic and foreign samples. For the analysis of an overall performance of plasmatronsthe test schedules of quality and safety parameters in plasma-arc metal cuttingtechnology, offered by authors in work, was taken into account. Also researches of mechanical properties of the welded seams received after 09Г2Сsteel cutting mechanically and by various plasmatrons are carried out. For an integrated estimation of the received results it is offered to use methods of analysis, adapted for plasma cutting technology. Quantitative values of compared parametrical sizes and corresponding to them qualimetric parameters are presented. The received integrated parameters testify to an overall performance of new plasmatrons, designed by authors. Thus efficiency of new one-flowplasmatron has appeared in 2 times of higher, than at base domestic analogue and is comparable to parameters same import plasmatron. Even more effective the construction of developed by authors plasmatron, working bynarrow-jet plasma technology, has appeared.
Translated title of the contributionQualimetric estimation of designing efficiency for metal cutting plasmatrons
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)160-178
Number of pages19
JournalВестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Машиностроение, материаловедение
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List


  • 81.35.00

ID: 1996857