The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the life position of University students. Modern reality demonstrates a personality-oriented approach, in the center of which are the person and personal interests, an active life position becomes necessary for successful self-realization. The business environment requires University graduates today not only to have professional competence, but also the ability to take an active life position and adapt to a rapidly changing socio-economic environment. The purpose of the publication is to discuss the formation of an active life position of students as a factor of psychological well-being. The article presents the author's typology of forms of life position (active-positive, active-negative, passive-negative, passive-indifferent). The study was conducted in three stages. At the first stage, the features of the life position of URFU students were determined using the author's questionnaire “Active life position” and the questionnaire “Types of life position”. At the second stage, an experiment was conducted that forms an active life position of students in the educational environment. At the third stage, changes in the life position of students are analyzed using mathematical methods. Theoretical analysis has shown that most authors offer an active life position to form through extracurricular educational activities. The article describes a different way-formation through active learning methods. In the course of an empirical study, it was proved that the use of active methods in the learning process allows students to develop an active life position. Comparison of the results of the level of active-positive life position before and after correction using the Wilcoxon T-test showed that the obtained value T = 40 falls into the zone of significance. The formation of principles, worldview, beliefs, and moral standards of students, through active teaching methods, contributes to the development of an active life position and forms the psychological well-being of students.
Translated title of the contributionACTIVE LIFE POSITION AS A FACTOR OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF STUDENTS: chapter in book
Original languageRussian
Subtitle of host publicationмонография
EditorsИ. А. Ершова, С. Б. Малых, Т. Н. Тихомирова
Place of PublicationЕкатеринбург
PublisherИздательство Уральского университета
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)978-5-7996-3101-7
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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ID: 20149481