FIELD: railway transport. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to autotractor trains equipped with two-axle trailers and tractors equipped with hydraulic systems. Two-axle trailer stability stabilizer contains a front wheeled swivel bogie, a drawbar pivotally connected to the tractor, a turntable and a hydraulic cylinder installed in the vertical longitudinal plane of the trailer and connecting the rear part of the frame of the front swivel bogie with the upper ring of the turntable. The upper ring of the turntable is connected to the lower part of the trailer frame, and the lower ring is fixed to the frame of the front wheel swivel bogie. The rod end of the hydraulic cylinder is connected by a hydraulic line to the spool of the three-position distributor of the hydraulic system installed on the tractor. The spool is kinematically connected to an element of the steering system of the tractor. EFFECT: increase in the stability of the rectilinear movement of the trailer is achieved by creating a force stabilizing moment relative to the pivot of the turntable, reducing the force moment relative to the pivot of the turntable at the turns of the transport train, which helps to reduce the drag of the trailer on turns, improves the controllability of the transport train and increases its safety in operating conditions. 1 cl, 3 dwg.
Translated title of the contributionStabilizer of Straight-Line Movement of a Two-Axle Trailer: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2772941
IPCB62D 63/08,B62D 13/00,B62D 53/08
Priority date15/12/2021
Filing date15/12/2021
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2022

ID: 45812112