FIELD: vehicles. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to road and tractor trains. The mechanism for stabilising the movement of a two-axle trailer comprises a traction lever. A rotary platform is secured on the carriage frame by means of brackets and a transverse horizontal axle. Brackets are secured in the lower part of the frame of the front rotary carriage, wherein a horizontal transverse shaft is installed rotatably, secured at the ends whereof are levers placed between the transverse shaft and the axle of the back travelling wheels. The free ends of the levers are hingedly connected with the front ends of the leaf springs of the back travelling wheels, and the back ends of the leaf springs are connected with the frame of the trailer. The rotary platform is kinematically connected with the transverse shaft via a rod, the front end whereof is attached to the rotary platform by means of a ball hinge displaced backward in the course of the trailer relative to the pivot of the rotary platform, and the back end of the rod is connected with the free end of the pendulum lever, rigidly fixed on the middle part of the transverse shaft, by means of a ball hinge. EFFECT: active safety of the transport train is increased due to the increase in the stability of the rectilinear movement of the trailer in operating conditions.
Translated title of the contributionMechanism for Stabilising The Movement of a Two-Axle Trailer: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2765587
IPCB62D 63/06,B62D 53/00
Priority date17/12/2020
Filing date17/12/2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022


  • 68.35.00

ID: 30494981