FIELD: energy.
SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to hydropower industry and can be used for generation of electric energy from wave motion in seas or oceans. Screw-type wave power plant comprises shafts with screw blades forming a single-or multiple-thread screws that are located at an angle to the flow, a base, a reduction gear, connecting the lower ends of shafts, cardan joints connecting upper end of one shaft with the generator, the upper end of the other shaft with the thrust bearing. Generator and bearing are connected to the supports. Flexible cables are used as shafts. Screw blades are made with positive buoyancy. Generator, reduction gear and thrust bearing are arranged on separate floating bases connected to the supports.
EFFECT: group of inventions is aimed at increasing the efficiency and performance of a power plant.
Translated title of the contributionSCREW-TYPE WAVE POWER PLANT (VERSIONS): patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2608795
IPCF03B 13/12
Filing date29/04/2015
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2017


  • 44.35.00

ID: 6561454