Research interests

Professor, doctor of technical sciences, honoured power engineer of Russia, Member of the international energy Academy.

Is an expert in the field of nuclear power plants, renewable energy sources and energy saving; he is the author of over 400 scientific papers, including 11 monographs and tutorial, 60 papers published in refereed scientific journals. He has 71 patents. His Hirsch index (RSCI h-index) is equal to 11.

Known for his research in the field of study of nonstationary stochastic processes and in two-phase steam-liquid flows; processes heat-fluid dynamics  with boiling poorly overheated liquids in narrow channels; liquid phase inversion phenomena in curved channels when dispersed flow modes of gas (steam) fluid flows with respect to tasks of improving the safety and efficiency of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS with nuclear reactors of different types.

Is the founder of scientific direction "Aktive managing characteristics of fluid dynamics and heat transfer in two-phase steam-film trends».

Is supervisor of works on creation of new types of equipment for thermo-convert solar energy systems, developing new designs of wind and hydropower installations; systems of alternative motor fuels from biomass using solar, hydraulic and wind power; study of processes and the creation of new designs installations for ultrasonic intensification of water electrolysis and hydrolysis of biomass for the production of hydrogen, ethanol and biogas; complex projects on the development and implementation of energy efficient buildings and integrate installations of renewable energy in housing.

Led by the Department of nuclear power plants and renewable energy sources UrFU is recognised in the country Center for training highly qualified specialists for the development of new energy technologies, scientific and technical support for the operation of nuclear power plants to fast neutron reactors, perform complex repairs and removal of the NPP.

ID: 107114