• G. V. Roeschenthaler
  • A Kolomeitsev
  • D. V. Sevenard
  • N. Kalinovich
  • V. Y. Sosnovskikh
  • G. Bissky
  • J. A. Barten
  • M. Milewska
  • J. Szczepkowska-Sztolcman
  • M. H. Koenigsmann
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)U1066-U1066
Number of pages1
JournalAbstracts of papers of the american chemical society
Publication statusPublished - 28 Mar 2004
Event227th National Meeting of the American-Chemical Society - Anaheim, Canada
Duration: 28 Mar 20041 Apr 2004

ID: 7714215