One of the possible ways to improve the efficiency of mill rolls is to recover their operability based on the latest technologies. The well-known methods include: CPC (Japanese method of liquid metal surfacing), Spray (English–American technology of liquid metal spraying onto a heated axle), HIP (hot isostatic pressing of powders onto a forged axle), LM ESS (liquid metal electroslag surfacing), and sleeving. On the basis of morphological analysis, the sleeving method was chosen as the most reasonable to recover the operability of steel rolls in sheet mills. Fundamentally new designs of sleeved rolls were developed considering the current requirements. They eliminate circumferential and axial displacement of the sleev relative to the roll arbor, even with minimum tightness. The Ural Machine Building Plant PJSC (PAO Uralmashzavod) restored decommissioned backup rolls of a VIZ-Steel LLC (OOO VIZ-Stal) 1300 cold rolling mill and a Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works PJSC (PAO NLMK) 1400 cold rolling mill. The successful operation of sleeved rolls in heavily loaded 1300 and 1400 cold rolling mills confirmed the proposed design and engineering solutions to be correct. © 2022, Allerton Press, Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)783-788
Number of pages6
JournalSteel in Translation
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Materials Science

ID: 33184330