On the modern stage of formation of Russian education there were marked two trends: the first one is associated with focus on innovative models and educative programs, the second one is focused on the traditional educative and training model of schoolchildren. The purpose of the paper was to study the role of teacher's humanistic targets in formation of conscious attitude of senior schoolchildren to classes of physical culture. In the research the authors proceeded from the viewpoint that variety of humanistic and traditional models of education are to be searched not in the informative component of the program, but in the methods of management and control of educative activity of pupils that render the main effect on personal formation of schoolchildren. The conducted research approved the hypothesis adduced by the researchers: change in the informative component of the program of physical culture fails to promote immediate changes of the attitude to classes of physical culture. The main and determining factor of formation of conscious attitude of schoolchildren to classes of physical culture is management and control of pupils' activity that in its turn depends on teacher's humanistic targets and his mastering of the motivation strategy of inclusion of schoolchildren in creative activity.
Translated title of the contributionRole of teacher's humanistic targets in formation of conscious attitude of senior schoolgirls to classes of physical culture
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)55-59
Number of pages5
JournalТеория и практика физической культуры
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2012



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ID: 9213294