
In a collective monograph, identity is presented as non-static discursive phenomenon that is constructed by various identification practices. The application of critical discourse analysis methods to media texts, the study of identification practices of Russians / Russia allows us to show the leading thematic areas of identification in contemporary journalistic discourse. Particular attention is paid to “Information warfare” discursive concept, the paradoxes of its functioning are revealed and its mobilization potential for the identification of Russians is comprehended. The research is based on the texts of Russian mass media in 2012–2017. The monograph is of interest to specialists in the field of linguistics of discourse, political science, sociology and related humanitarian disciplines. It will be useful for journalists, as well as teachers, students and post-graduates of journalism faculties.
Translated title of the contributionProblems of Russian People Identity Construction in Mass Media Discourse Influenced by the ‘Information Warfare’ Concept: monograph
Original languageRussian
Place of PublicationМосква ; Екатеринбург
PublisherКабинетный ученый
Number of pages196
ISBN (Print)978-5-7584-0236-8
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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ID: 8034269