FIELD: construction industry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of construction and can be used to determine the distance between the means of fastening a straight section of a pipeline in a building. The method for determining the distance between the means of fastening a straight section of the pipeline in a building is characterized by determining the frequency <i>n</i> of rotation of the pump drive, which ensures the movement of liquid in the pipeline, then finding the first critical frequency of forced fluid vibrations from the pump impeller <i>f</i><sub><i>1</i></sub>, then determining the value of the natural resonant frequency of the straight section of the pipeline when moving liquid <i>F</i> in it, after which measuring the outer diameter of the pipe on a straight section of the pipeline <i>d</i>, next, the thickness of the pipe wall is measured on the straight section of the pipeline δ, after which the maximum distance <i>l</i> between the means of fastening the straight section of the pipeline is determined. EFFECT: invention makes it possible to determine the limiting distance between the means of fastening a straight section of the pipeline in a building, which excludes the occurrence of resonance caused by the coincidence of the natural resonant frequency of the straight section of the pipeline when moving liquid in it, with the frequency of forced vibrations of the fluid that moves through the pipe from the pump impeller. 1 cl.
Translated title of the contributionMethod for Determining the Distance Between the Means of Fastening a Straight Section of a Pipeline in a Building: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2781392
IPCE03C 1/00,G06F 30/13,G06F 30/18,G06F 113/14,F16L 3/00
Priority date14/02/2022
Filing date14/02/2022
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2022

ID: 46670355