FIELD: astronautics. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to rocket engineering. Aerodynamic steering wheel of a hypersonic aircraft contains a spar, a skin and a plate made of heat-conducting material with a melting point below the melting point of the skin that is spring loaded from the side member to the leading edge. Plate has a surface coating of a material having a melting point below the melting point of the plate material. Internal cavity of the skin has grooves for removal of the melted material of the plate. EFFECT: invention is aimed at improving the reliability of the structure during aerodynamic heating.
Translated title of the contributionAerodynamic steering wheel of a hypersonic aircraft in the conditions of its aerodynamic heating: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2680949
IPCB64C 9/08,B64C 3/36
Filing date15/08/2017
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2019

ID: 12551737