FIELD: materials science. SUBSTANCE: determination of the mechanical properties of steel is carried out during tensile tests of standard samples in the initial state and after provoking treatment, which consists of plastic deformation of the sample by no more than 10% at room temperature and subsequent heating to 250°C with holding for 1 hour and cooling in air. Specimens are tested for tension with recording of strain curves; based on the data obtained, tensile curves are plotted with coordinates stress σ - relative extensionδ, then the following mechanical properties of the samples are determined: yield strength σt, relative elongation δ, static viscosity a, and the magnitude of the effect of strain aging Dt, Dδ, Da are determined using formulas. EFFECT: increasing the objectivity and simplifying the determination of the magnitude of the effect of strain aging in steels. 1 cl, 2 tbl, 4 dwg.
Translated title of the contributionMethod for Determining Amount of Effect of Strain Aging in Steel: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2811386
IPCG01N 3/08
Priority date31/10/2022
Filing date31/10/2022
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2024

ID: 57414956