The article is devoted to the definition of the structure of professional health of elderly people. The authors raise the question of the content of the professional health of elderly people as a characteristic that ensures the safety of the personality and the effectiveness of professional activity. It is noted that studies of occupational health mainly refer to specific occupational groups, and views on this phenomenon differ in Russian and foreign psychology. In foreign studies, the emphasis is on the involvement of employees in professional activities as a condition of professional health and well-being; in domestic studies, this is a complex of psychological characteristics that ensure the effectiveness of professional activities. The study of the structure of professional health is based on the consideration of this phenomenon from the standpoint of its structural components. The empirical study involved 355 people aged 50 to 80 years. The average age of the subjects is 61.6 years. Research methods were: questionnaire "Assessment of professional maladjustment" (M.A. Dmitrieva); questionnaire "Differential diagnosis of states of reduced performance" (A.B. Leonova, S.B. Velichkovskaya); differential reflection test (D.A. Leontiev, E.N. Osin); scale of psychological well-being (С. Riff, adapted by T.D. Shevelenkova and P.P. Fesenko); questionnaire "Self-assessment of mental states" (G. Eysenck). The data obtained were processed using exploratory factor analysis using the principal component analysis. It has been established that the structure of professional health of elderly people is formed by the following components - activity, emotional-reflexive and psychological well-being. The results obtained show that in old age, professional health is characterized by a decrease in working capacity, negative emotional experiences and "unproductive" reflection. However, older people have psychological well-being as a positive activity that allows them to adapt to the current situation.
Original languageRussian
Article number39PSMN621
Number of pages12
JournalМир науки. Педагогика и психология
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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ID: 30011989