
Разработаны методы оценки эффективности использования инвестиционных ресурсов для технического перевооружения электрических станций. Результаты представленных исследований представляют интерес для научных работников, специалистов энергокомпаний, аспирантов и магистрантов.
The monograph examines the scientific and methodological foundations for the development of energy cogeneration systems. The analysis of theoretical approaches to the study of the development processes of the electric power industry, which is the fundamental infrastructure sector of the economy, is presented, the content and driving forces of competition in the territorial energy market are determined. Much attention is paid to topical problems of the development of the electric power industry and the specifics of the positioning of cogeneration energy sources in the territorial energy market. A methodological approach to determining the contours of competitive development for centralized and distributed systems of cogeneration of energy has been substantiated. The analysis of ensuring the investment security of the Urals power industry is carried out. Methods for assessing the efficiency of using investment resources for the technical re-equipment of power plants have been developed. The results of the presented studies are of interest to scientists, specialists of energy companies, postgraduates and undergraduates.
Translated title of the contributionManagement of the development of regional energy cogeneration systems
Original languageRussian
Place of PublicationЕкатеринбург
PublisherООО "Издательство УМЦ УПИ"
Number of pages375
ISBN (Print)978-5-8295-0664-9
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • 06.71.00

ID: 20286579