The article discusses the term ‘discourse’ as a shared way of understanding the world. The aim of the research is to analyze the full range of environmental discourses theoretically possible for an intelligent civilization now and in the future. Basing their research on the analysis of fantastic literature and the matrix of ecological development, the authors propose to complement the existing classications of environmental discourses. The article presents arguments proving the wrongness of consideration the principle of sustainable development as the concept of coevolution of society and nature. In the authors’ opinion, coevolution is the simultaneous progress of the environment and society, and the discourse of sustainable development does not imply simultaneous economic, social progress and harmony with nature
Translated title of the contributionEcological consciousness and ecological discourses of civilization
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)133-144
JournalОйкумена. Регионоведческие исследования
Issue number4(47)
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List


  • 04.00.00 SOCIOLOGY

ID: 8889030