FIELD: measurement technology.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to materials science, namely to methods for examining samples of metallic materials by applying dynamic (shock) short-term loads to them, and can be used to determine the viscosity of metallic materials. Summary: tests are carried out for impact bending of prismatic specimens with a notch with the recording of the fracture curve by identifying characteristic points on it. On the destruction curve in the coordinates "energy intensity E – displacement of the striker S", the section between the point of separation from the straight line of the curve and the point of destruction of the sample is extracted, and for the certification of metallic materials on the selected section, the viscosity parameters KM and n are determined, the viscosity parameter KM is found from equation , where EH and EK – energy intensity of destruction at the points corresponding to the beginning and end of the selected section of the curve E=f(S), F0 – the area of the original cross-section at the notch location, and the viscosity parameter n – starting from the equation describing the course of the dependence E=f(S) on the selected section E=A⋅Sn, where A is a coefficient that depends on the test conditions.
EFFECT: possibility to isolate the section corresponding to the stage of propagation of the main crack, determine the viscosity parameters (KM, n), and then use them for the certification of any metal materials, if there is the possibility of instrumental recording of the fracture curve.
Translated title of the contributionDETERMINATION METHOD OF VISCOSITY OF METAL MATERIALS: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2646548
IPCG01N 3/30
Filing date15/09/2016
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2018

ID: 10233570