The article is devoted to the study of the state of development of new technologies and digitalization of the agro-industrial complex in the world and the assessment of the pace of its development in the regions of the Russian Federation. It was revealed that a number of subjects of the Russian Federation and the country as a whole objectively have the potential to transform traditional agriculture into high-tech agriculture as the development potential is exhausted through non-innovative tools and increased import substitution with domestic agricultural products. At the same time, climate change, reduction of fertile soils, and urbanization of the population are additional limiting factors for the development of traditional agricultural production. The article explores the prospects for the introduction of urbanized agro-industrial production on the example of the Ural Federal District, taking into account key technological trends. In the context of increasing urbanization processes, changing consumer preferences, remoteness of agricultural territories from mass markets, the issue of ensuring food security and self-sufficiency of cities with agricultural products is particularly acute. The authors of the article reviewed foreign and domestic approaches to the formation of a more high-tech Agriculture 4.0 at the macro and meso levels. For the first time, an analysis of the basic technologies of urbanized farming was carried out from the standpoint of their practical application in the conditions of the Ural macroregion. The problems and limitations that impede a full transition to AgTech in the Russian Federation are identified, and promising areas of development are also identified using the example of the subjects of the Ural Federal District.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)160-174
Number of pages15
JournalДрукеровский вестник
Issue number3 (47)
Publication statusPublished - 2022

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List

ID: 30969315