FIELD: testing equipment. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to materials science, namely to methods for studying samples of metallic materials by applying a dynamic (shock) short-term load to them at different temperatures, and can be used to determine the temperature of the brittle-plastic transition of metallic materials. A method for determining the viscosity of metallic materials by the temperature of the brittle-plastic transition during instrumented impact bending tests, the value of which is determined by the parameters of the descending linear section on the impact loading curve corresponding to 50% of the viscous component of fracture in the breakdown point. EFFECT: possibility of determining the temperature of the brittle-plastic transition during instrumented tests for impact bending of samples with a notch in a given temperature range of tests by changing the parameters of shock loading curves, which makes it possible to assess the viscosity of the metal in various structural and phase states with a significant reduction in the complexity of tests and increasing the accuracy of determining the temperature range of the brittle-plastic transition. 1 cl, 3 dwg.
Translated title of the contributionMethod for Determining the Viscosity of Metallic Materials: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2775515
IPCG01N 3/30
Priority date29/09/2021
Filing date29/09/2021
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2022

ID: 45862362