FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: tubular belt conveyor is proposed with partitions attached to the belt along the entire length of the conveyor belt from the side of its working surface at a certain, but not necessarily equal, distance from each other, designed for moving bulk cargo, including finely dispersed cargo, providing steeply inclined transportation of cargo up to vertical directions. The transverse partitions are made corrugated and secured along the entire line of abutment to the tape, forming dense diaphragms when the tape is rolled into a pipe, dividing the tape rolled into a pipe into sealed chambers. EFFECT: increased reliability of the conveyor. 1 cl, 5 dwg.
Translated title of the contributionTubular Belt Conveyor with Baffles: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2809420
IPCB65G 15/08
Priority date05/05/2023
Filing date05/05/2023
Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2023

ID: 57419999