Bersenev I. S., Petryshev A. Yu., Maistrenko N. A., Lopatin A. S., Anisimov N. K. // Stal’. 2016. № 12. P. 2 - 7. The quartzites have a higher water affinity (compared with magnetite ferruginous quartzite). Given that, pelletizing of the burden with 100 % concentrate of wet magnetic separation replaced by oxidized ferruginous quartzite requires a higher moisture of burden. Pelletizing process of burden is being deteriorated if concentrate of wet magnetic separation was replaced by oxidized ferruginous quartzite. In this context, pelletizing of the burden from oxidized ferruginous quartzite should be carried out at a higher moisture level to ensure its proper granulation. Sintering of the wet magnetic separation concentrate requires a higher consumption of solid fuel (by 10 %, compared with magnetite concentrate). Moreover, a reduction of production rate occurs. However, use of the concentrate from oxidized ferruginous quartzite facilitates an improvement of iron content in the sinter.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)2-7
Number of pages6
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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ID: 1654822