FIELD: ceramics. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to radiation-resistant optical terahertz materials, specifically, to terahertz nanoceramics based on silver and monovalent thallium halides, intended for nuclear physics, photonics, laser and IR fibre optics, with an output to an optical product up to 90%. Nanoceramics are based on silver bromide and additionally contain silver iodide and monovalent thallium iodide, with the following ratio of ingredients, wt.%: silver bromide 75.0 to 80.0; silver iodide 15.0 to 5.0, monovalent thallium iodide 10.0 to 15.0. The basis of the new terahertz radiation-resistant nanoceramics is cubic silver bromide, which is a matrix. Orthorhombic TlI and AgI nanoparticles are evenly distributed in the AgBr lattice, providing, first, high defect rate of the crystal lattice, which compacts the structure significantly, and second, imparting the nanoceramics with radiation resistance. The nanoceramics are transparent in the terahertz region and a broad spectral range from 0.55 to 60.0 mcm. EFFECT: creation of radiation-resistant terahertz nanoceramics. 1 cl, 3 ex, 1 dwg.
Translated title of the contributionTerahertz Radiation-Resistant Nanoceramics: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2773896
IPCB82Y 40/00,G02B 1/02
Priority date01/06/2021
Filing date01/06/2021
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jun 2022

ID: 45814656