FIELD: superconductive materials in electronics. SUBSTANCE: to produce complex oxyfluorides Lng+1Me2-yCu3FxO7-? with Ln - rare-earth substance, Me - alkaline-earth substance, mixture of initial members are prepared as water solution, that has 0.1 - 10.0 mass % of metal components salts, 1.0 - 50.0 mass % of water soluble polymer and ammonium fluoride, amount of which is calculated by formula, with - molar mass of ammonium fluoride; ACu - atomic mass of copper; mCu - copper amount in solution. Then, pouring solution by thin layer and evaporating water, powder for pressuring is produce from it by calcinating under temperature of 850 - 890 C for 4 - 6 hours. Then powder is pressed and sintered under temperature of 925 - 980 C for 1 - 3 hours. Then it is subjected to holding in oxygen under temperature of 500 - 580 C for 5 - 10 hours and cooling to 200 C. EFFECT: improved superconducting features.
Translated title of the contributionComplex Oxyfluorides Production Method: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2055038
IPCC04B 35/00
Priority date03/03/1992
Filing date03/03/1992
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 1996


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ID: 30501165