The analysis of the phenomenon of self-transcendence using theoretical and phenomenological research methods is presented. Specific procedures: phenomenological intuition (the study of the phenomenon of self-transcendence in order to determine its meaning and essence) and phenomenological research (the most complete description and designation of the characteristics of self-transcendence as the basis for the transformation and development of the subjective personality). The article describes the essence of the phenomenon of self-transcendence based on philosophical views (S. Frank, I. Kant, Platon), Russian (N. P. Dolgikh, V. I. Kutugina, V. A. Petrovsky, E. V. Selezneva, V. V. Sobolnikov, O. I. Zhukova) and foreign research (C. E. Ackerman, V. Frankl, A. Maslow, P. Reed). Modern foreign research directions of self-transcendence are systematized (B. Amid, D. D. Coward, F. A. Fishke, V. L. McCarthy, B. Nygren, P. G. Reed, N. H. Reischer, P. Worth, D. B. Yaden, etc.), the concept of self-transcendence by P. Reed and biopsychosocial concept by R. Cloninger, serving as a methodological basis for empirical research and applied developments in foreign clinical practice and gerontopsychology. The research results are the semantic characteristics of self-transcendence: 1. Self-transcendence is a subjective personality trait that provides going beyond the limits of the actual (conscious) oneself, comprehending one’s own capabilities, their awareness and embodiment in objective reality (activity, behavior, social relations). 2. Self-transcendence is projecting oneself outside of oneself. 3. The personality and individuality of a person is affirmed through self-transcendence. 4. Self-transcendence is the ability to expand one’s boundaries and focus on perspectives, activities and goals outside of oneself, without denying the value of being in the present tense. 5. Self-transcendence is an indicator of personal maturity and at the same time a condition for its achievement. 6. Self-transcendence is a mechanism for achieving self-actualization, self-development, self-realization, acme by the subject. 7. Professional self-determination, professional development, professional self-actualization and self-development are based on self-transcendence. 8. Self-transcendence, being a subjective peak, is always social. 9. Achievement of self-transcendence by specific subjects can become a catalyst for the transformation of society. The conducted research is the basis for further development of the phenomenon of self-transcendence and determining its structure and empirical study.
Translated title of the contributionSELF-TRANSENDENCE: PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)116-128
Number of pages13
JournalУченые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И. Вернадского. Социология. Педагогика. Психология
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2022

    Level of Research Output

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ID: 30968827