
"The project is aimed at solving the fundamental scientific problem of the physics of nonequilibrium states associated with elucidating and describing the formation of micro- and nano-structures during phase transformations under inhomogeneous conditions, as well as the influence of the ferroelectric domain structure and phase composition on the physical properties of heterophase systems.
To solve this problem, an experimental study of the influence of the composition and parameters of the synthesis on the microstructure, the ferroelectric domain structure, and the dielectric properties of glass ceramics based on barium-strontium titanate will be carried out. The obtained regularities can be used as a scientific basis for the development of technology for manufacturing high-performance lead-free glass-ceramic materials for power electronics and energy storage devices.
The Chinese partner will be making samples of glass-ceramic BST by two alternative methods: sintering and sol-gel method. The Russian partner will conduct a comprehensive study of the resulting glass ceramics using a unique set of experimental techniques developed and tested in the study of crystals and piezoelectric ceramics. When conducting local studies with a high spatial resolution, several techniques will be used based on scanning probe microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
The project executors from the Russian and Chinese sides have many years of experience in carrying out joint experimental studies, as well as 13 joint publications directly related to the subject of the announced project.
It is assumed that effective cooperation between Russian and Chinese scientific groups using various complementary approaches and research methods will allow obtaining original results that outstrip the world level."
Effective start/end date01/01/201817/04/2020


  • 29.19.35

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

    Type of Financial Sources


ID: 7489643