
The project is aimed at solving the problem of creating new organic fluorophores, based on new thiazole derivatives, studying the possibility of their application as functional materials for use in photonics, as well as in biology and medicine as biological tags and probes. The availability, high synthetic potential of the thiazoles chosen as objects for modification, the prospects of their use in obtaining various, including difficult-to-access compounds with interesting optical properties, makes it possible to carry out a purposeful study. As a result, various derivatives containing this heterocyclic moiety, different substituents and functional fragments, aromatic and saturated heterocycles will be obtained. It is planned to study the fluorescent properties of the substances obtained in various solvents and various aggregate states. An analysis of the obtained experimental material with the use of a modern calculating apparatus of quantum chemistry will make it possible to determine promising directions for obtaining effective materials in photonic.
Effective start/end date01/01/201831/12/2019

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Mira Research Division


  • 31.21.27

    Type of Financial Sources


ID: 8016192