
The project is devoted to experimental and theoretical study of hybrid composite materials of new generation - to the systems, consisting of polymer host matrixes and embedded magnetic particles with strongly different shapes (spherical and flake-shaped); sizes (nano- and micronsized) and magnetic characteristics (magnetically soft and hard particles). The interest of researches and engineers to these systems is induced by rich set of their physical properties, valuable for many biomedical and industrial applications. At the project realization the main attention will be paid to the study of fundamental features of dynamics of the particles of the magnetic filler in external magnetic field; to their unification into internal heterogeneous structures with various sizes and topology (linear chains; the branched aggregates and nets; dense columns; tube-and labyrinth ones. Composites on the synthetic as well as biological polymers will be studied.
Effective start/end date01/01/201922/11/2019


  • 30.51.27

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

    Type of Financial Sources


ID: 9121628