
This project is aimed to solving one of the fundamental problems of solid state physics dealt with the formation and kinetics of domain structures in ferroelectrics during polarization reversal. The aim of the project is to reveal the main regularities of the polarization reversal at the nonpolar surface of organic ferroelectric beta-glycine.
The features of as-grown domain structure at nonpolar surfaces of beta-glycine microcrystals, the regularities of their evolution in a wide temperature range and during polarization reversal by local electric and integral pyroelectric field will be revealed in this work. Moreover, electric field induced polymorphic phase transitions will be studied in beta-glycine crystals, and recommendations on the polarization reversal conditions in beta-glycine crystals will be developed.
The results obtained in this project will significantly expand the current understanding of the evolution of the domain structure in organic ferroelectrics. The revealed regularities will become the scientific basis for the applications for such materials, which will allow to use them in biocompatible functional devices and biomedical devices.
Effective start/end date01/01/201810/03/2020

    Type of Financial Sources



  • 29.19.35

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

ID: 7488845