
New technologies searching in contexts of raw material quality permanent degradation, amplification of its mineral composition, severization for processing ecological proporties, is critical problem for modern metallurgy.Pressure leaching technologies answer these purporses: high productivity, high metals recovery selectivity, enhanced complexity of raw material utilization, high efficiency at treatment of refractory mineral.
Sulfide minerals leaching is accompanied by molten sulfur appearing, that lead to active surface blocking. This problem can be eliminated using surfactants. Chemistry of interaction between surfactants and pulp elements is extremely complex and not clearly understood. Surfactant choice is carried out by empirical approach. At this investigation surfactant influence is researshed at such aspects as action of hydrofilic-hydrofobic ratio, mineral wettability by molten sulfur and water solutions, aggregative stability of sulfur particles. Also surfactant influence on further stage of solution putification and zinc electrolysis.
Therefore, at this project evidence based model of surfactant action at autoclave leaching will be proposed. This model will allow to control by autoclave leaching of different composition sulfide raw material. As well as project weill be dedicated minimization of surfactants negative action on cemetation and zinc electrolysis using modificated foliated alumosilicate, montmorillonite.
Effective start/end date01/01/201831/12/2019

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Mira Research Division

    Type of Financial Sources



  • 53.37.31

ID: 8016543